
  • Vivien García Université Grenoble Alpes, Philosophie, Pratiques & Langages – PPL EA 3699




Young Hegelianism, compromise, dialectics, “juste milieu”


This article aims at exploring how most of the Young Hegelians came to reject all forms of compromise. It will first show how Young Hegelianism itself was born from a process of radicalisation. Then, it will expound some of the theoretical developments that this process produced and explain why and how all forms of compromise came to be rejected. For Young Hegelians, a compromise is an antidialectical position. It consists in the adoption of a median posture, which does not correspond with a real mediation. It is a way of deflating conflicts and, more precisely, to avoid the oppositions at work in history being unveiled in their purity.


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How to Cite

García, V. . (2023). A POLITICS WITHOUT COMPROMISE: THE YOUNG HEGELIANS AND POLITICS. Ethics, Politics & Society, 2, 259–272. https://doi.org/10.21814/eps.2.1.95

