Reflexões sobre o Antropoceno, o paradigma da espécie humana e seu domínio ilusório sobre a Terra


  • Alexandre Nascimento



This essay shares reflections on the Anthropocene from an ecological and evolutionary perspective of the human species. It starts from the contemporary crisis of biodiversity and the dynamics and history of life on Earth to contextualize the sixth mass extinction of the Anthropocene, an evolutionary trap that puts its own causative agent at risk. The understanding of geological and evolutionary “deep time” and the courses and setbacks of biotic history highlight life as an imperative of the Earth. This perspective places the human being on an equal footing with any other species that has already flourished, in the past or in the present, from biological evolution. The evolutionary origin of the human centrism species is discussed and anthropocentrism is presented as the driving force of the Anthropocene. The systemic crisis of the Anthropocene is seen as pressure of human cultural selection, which must be guided by sustainability and biocentrism. There is speculation about the evolutionary future of the human journey on Earth, the setting of sociocultural values and principles and the need for contemporary humanity to recognize itself as a single global tribe that must be able to support each other.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, A. (2020). Reflexões sobre o Antropoceno, o paradigma da espécie humana e seu domínio ilusório sobre a Terra. Anthropocenica. Journal of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, 1.


