Identity and Hiperstition


  • Angel Armagno Gentile Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República, Uruguay.



Anthropocentrism, Identity, Posthumanism, Prospective, Hyperstition


The following article aims to generate a critical reflection –from the perspective of the human and social sciences– about the different transformations and contemporary mythical configurations emerging, in the face of the technological singularity, around the anthropocentric conception of human identity.  This is done through the exploration of key concepts such as Posthumanism and Hyperstition, and its relationship with both literary and cinematographic prospective science fiction, the latter understood as the conceptual genre whose context, motivations or framework try to foresee or explore what the future will bring us. This approach implies an effort of disciplinary and theoretical miscegenation, a mixture of approaches from different fields, adapted and reformulated to achieve a better and deeper understanding and interpretation – from an oblique perspective – of emerging phenomena that are a fundamental part of the way in which humanity has built and will continue to build a vision of itself.


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Author Biography

Angel Armagno Gentile, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

Architect (2014, FADU, UdelaR). Studying a master's degree in Information and Communication (FIC, UdelaR). Teacher of the Department of Computer Science Applied to Design since 2012, teacher of the Department of Representation of the Project Institute (FADU, UdelaR) Member of the teaching group «Plexo».


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How to Cite

Armagno, Ángel. (2021). Identity and Hiperstition. Anthropocenica. Journal of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, 2.


