Greening the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a new phase in the development of the planet. The transformations on the Earth System that are already visible in terms of droughts, heat waves, dying oceans, unbreathable air, wildfires, among other disruptive events that are increased by impact of actions that led to the definition of the Anthropocene phase, call for a consistent action in all fronts of human activity. To address effectively the climate crisis requires structural changes in our societies to combat inequalities and asymmetries among the countries. It is increasingly evident that the deep changes that are needed in order to address these problems cannot be carried out in the context of the existing market economy. The crisis asks for a change in paradigm where the focuses are repairing the Earth System and its ecosystem components and endowing societies with means to combat inequalities and being more resilient and sustainable. Historical trends are analysed and local and global approaches are presented and discussed.
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