Description and syntactic classification of european portuguese proverbs


  • Sónia Reis
  • Jorge Baptista



Proverbs, Syntactic classification, European Portuguese, NLP


Proverbs are expressions of widespread use, appearing in different conversational situations, and assume different functions in the discourse in which they are integrated. From a syntactic point of view, this type of expression presents a great variety of structures. With this in mind, the main goal of this study is to determine a formal syntactic classification of the European Portuguese proverbs. For this, we intend to develop and extend the typology of the formal classification proposed by Rassi et al. (2014). Therefore, a subclassification for the classes with a large number of proverbs, and a possible reclassification of some of the types will be considered. The classification proposal was validated by having two linguists independently annotating a list of very usual proverbs, and then calculating the inter-annotator agreement, which was found to be very high. This classification, in turn, will be the starting point for the development of an automatic classification procedure, and thus contribute to the preparation of resources for different applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP).


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How to Cite

Reis, S., & Baptista, J. (2019). Description and syntactic classification of european portuguese proverbs. Diacrítica, 33(2), 324–334.