From discontent to aesthetic action: In the creation of the performance “Eis o Homem”


  • José Eduardo Silva Centro de Estudos Humanísticos, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal



Theatre, Performative arts, Artistic Research, Transformation, Performance-as-Research


This paper addresses some initial premises and conceptual developments that emerged from the process of devising and presenting  the theatre performance “Eis o Homem”. Based on materials for reflection, which were gathered, construed and consulted throughout the main stages of the creative process, we aim to unveil philosophical, critical, political, and epistemological possibilities inherent to theatrical creation. We seek to contribute to the ongoing discussion on suitable approaches to creating a theatrical aesthetic object in the framing of academic research.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. E. (2022). From discontent to aesthetic action: In the creation of the performance “Eis o Homem”. Diacrítica, 36(3), 223–236.

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