For a formal and functional characterization of subordinate clarification exchange


  • Gustavo Ximenes Cunha



Subordinate exchange of clarification, Interaction, Discourse


The objective of this paper is to obtain a better characterization, both formal and functional, of a structural property of discourse: the subordinate exchange of clarification. Based on theoretical contributions from the Geneva School, we seek to deepen the understanding, pointed out in Cunha (2019a), that the opening of a subordinate exchange of clarification is a resource that one of the speakers uses it to show that, from his point of view, the other adopted an inappropriate behavior when he elaborated his intervention. To achieve this goal, we will initially present formal and functional characteristics of subordinate exchange of clarification. Then, expanding its functional characterization, we will study the interactional implications of opening this type of exchange, focusing, in particular, on the impact of this opening for the co-construction of identity images by the speakers. Based on the proposed characterization, we will analyze the use of this resource in an excerpt from the electoral debate that took place in 2016, in Portugal's presidential campaign. The participants in the debate, promoted by the broadcaster RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal), were the presidential candidates Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (current President of the Republic) and Maria de Belém Roseira.


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How to Cite

Cunha, G. X. (2021). For a formal and functional characterization of subordinate clarification exchange. Diacrítica, 35(1), 207–228.