CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 3, no. 2


H2D Journal invites the academic and non-academic community to submit papers for its next thematic issue Literature in the digital medium and its different manifestations.

Today digital technology is increasingly popular and accessible, as it is easy to produce, distribute, and consume digital texts. According to Italo Moriconi (2014), due to market determinations, literary production has increased and circulates predominantly on the Internet. In this scenario, there is a convergence between the culture of printed media and that of digital media in the production and dissemination of literature through digital media. This occurs not only because of the ease with which a digitized work can migrate through different media platforms and hybridize with other texts and images, but also because of the use of different media platforms to build transmedia narratives (Jenkins, 2008).

In this context, the current generation, increasingly surrounded by digital stimuli, has used social networks to read and produce literature in dialogue with their experiences and contemporary scenarios. Such production not only promotes approximations and dialogues, but also strengthens the idea that literature is for everyone, deconstructing the view that literary production is restricted to the elite.

From this perspective, the present dossier aims to foster debate about contemporary literary production. To this end, it takes as object of study and analysis texts recognized for their aesthetic value by different means, academic research, awards, seals of institutions that evaluate them, incorporation into the collections of public reading policies, acceptance among the reading public, among others, reflecting on their characteristics and trends, in order to collaborate in their legitimization in the literary field. Our goal is to bring together in this issue a set of experiences and practices of researchers, professors and other professionals dedicated to literature in the digital medium in its different manifestations. To achieve this goal, we invite international scholars of literary studies in the digital medium to give their contributions to the following aspects:

  • The impact of the convergence between literary, media and publishing market culture.
  • Reading literature in the digital medium.
  • The teaching-learning process of literature in the digital medium.
  • The transmedia literary phenomenon.
  • The poetic text and its dissemination in digital media.
  • Literary production in digital media and its reception.
  • Poetic experiments in digital media.
  • The relationship between literature and visual-verbal sign systems.
  • Digital art and its aesthetic implications in digital creation.
  • The diffusion of literary texts in social networks.
  • Self-publishing in digital media and the publishing market.
  • Interviews with writers about contemporary literature in digital media (audiovisual format).

In this issue, long articles (up to 6000 words) are accepted as well as short articles (up to 2000 words), which must follow the submission rules, available at:

In addition to the usual paper section, this issue also welcomes contributions in audiovisual format. After all, many of us already feel more comfortable in front of the cameras. The videos will be published in the "Short talks" section and should follow the formatting guidelines described below.

Video Submission Guidelines

- The duration of the videos should be between 5 and 10 minutes.

- The videos can contain screenshots of visual elements (pictures, diagrams, graphics, etc.). However, videos featuring the author(s) will be valued.

The videos must be accompanied by a complementary text:

  • title
  • summary (minimum 150 and maximum 200 words)
  • keywords (between 3 and 6)
  • bibliographical references of studies, tools, and other materials mentioned in the video
  • acknowledgments and support (this information should appear at the end of the text).

The title, abstract and keywords should be presented in the language of submission of the paper and in English. If the submission language is English, these elements should be translated into one of the other working languages of the Journal (Portuguese, Spanish, French or Italian).


Evaluation Criteria

  • alignment with the topics of the journal
  • clarity and organization of speech
  • audio and video quality (full HD)

Important notes


New deadline for paper submission: 30 September, 2021

Guidelines for article submission:

Submission form:


Jenkins, H. (2008). Cultura da convergência. Aleph.

Moriconi, I. (2014). Poesia e crítica, aqui e agora (ensaio de síntese e vocabulário). In B. Antunes, & S. Ferreira (Eds.), 50 anos depois: estudos literários no Brasil contemporâneo (pp. 57-66). Editora Unesp.