
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. Other formats, such as LaTex, are accepted, too.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The "Statement regarding the use of original and/or third-party authorized material" available through this link has been signed and will be uploaded with the others files.

Author Guidelines

1.Standards and formatting

1.1. Formatting for general template

The manuscript must be edited in Microsoft Word (.DOCX or .DOC), formatted in A4 size
(210 x 297 mm), black text and Eg Garamond font, size 12 for general text, size 12 for sub
subtitles, size 13 for subtitles and size 12 for titles. With titles at the center and subtitles and
sub subtitles numbered. The identification of each image must be done with capital letters
and the identification of something inside the image, with lowercase letters or a thin arrow.
Images, graphs and tables must be sent in the body of the text, with a minimum resolution of
Full HD (1920x1080 or 1920x1200 pixels). The left and right margins must be 3 cm and the
top and bottom margins must be 2.5 cm, the manuscript must also have a line spacing of
1.15 (multiple) and the pagination on the right of size 10 and in bold.

The articles must guide in the following order:

Type of article (size 9)

Title (size 24)

Author(s) [size 13, letter of the 1st name followed by a period + surname in full [a]
(separated from the name with 1 space); names must be ordered according to hierarchy;
affiliation caption size 8.5]

DOI (size 12)

Cite current issue (size 12)

Dates (size 12, in text box on 1st page, on the right)

Abstract (justified text)

Key words (separated by commas)

Introduction (justified text)

Material and Methods (justified text)

Results and Discussion (justified text)

Conclusion (justified text)

Acknowledgments, author contributions, conflicts of interest and references (running
text, bibliographic reference type: IEEE)

To facilitate the editorial process, authors interested in publishing their articles in JUS should download and use the template available at this link.

1.2. Formatting for LaTeX template

Getting Started with LaTeX
LaTeX can be downloaded and installed to be run locally by some distributions like MacTeX (for macOS) or MikTeX (for Windows). An easier option is to use an integrated editor like Overleaf.

Template Structure
To facilitate the editorial process, authors interested in publishing their articles in JUS should download and use the LaTeX template available or open the template on Overleaf (make a copy and write on it).

The template folder contains:
• JUS.tex → where the authors will write the article.
• bibliography.bib → where the authors will add the references.
• JUS-Template.cls → file where the article’s structure is defined (not to be modified).
• jus.png → picture of JUS logo.

Basic Usage
Open the template by clicking on the file ‘JUS.tex’. At the end some figures showing some examples on how to replace correctly all the information on the template are exhibited.
Write a concise abstract summarizing the article.
Use ‘\section{}’ and ‘\subsection{}’ commands to structure the article into sections and subsections.

Formatting Guidelines
The template is pre-set with appropriate fonts and sizes. Avoid changing these settings.
Do not alter the margins or line spacing defined in the template.
Place the figures into the template folder or upload them into Overleaf. Include them using the example given in the template. Ensure all the figures and tables are referenced in the text.
To write definitions, examples or theorems, use the structures given in the template.

Referencing and Citations
Add your references to the ”bibliography.bib” file using the BibTeX format.
Cite your references in the text using the \cite{} command.
Follow the reference style specified in the template (IEEE). Ensure all cited works are listed in the bibliography and vice versa.

Submitting the Article
Compile the LaTeX document to ensure there are no errors.
Submit both the ”.tex” file and the compiled PDF. Ensure all figures and bibliography files are included.
Submit the article through the designated submission portal.

Additional Resources
Get in touch with the JUS team.


2.Evaluation guidelines

JUS only accepts unpublished collaborations with articles submitted in English. It is understood that an article is unpublished when it has not been published in any national or foreign journal and in virtual spaces on the Internet that have the purpose of disseminating scientific work.

The original manuscripts submitted for evaluation are initially appreciated by the JUS Editorial Committee, which will designate an associate editor from the same scientific area responsible for processing the manuscript. In this analysis, the quality requirements for publication in the journal are evaluated, that is, to verify the relevance, coherence and integration of the article in the scientific scope of the journal and to verify if it follows the internal regulation of the journal. After approval by the Associate Editor, he will appoint two reviewers to prepare a report of critical analysis of the manuscript. 

If the decision is in favor of publication, it is up to the Associate Editor responsible to manage the authors' response process to the reviewers and any changes to the manuscript, in accordance with the critical analysis reports. The resulting manuscript version will be sent to the authors for approval of the final version of the document. The final version of the manuscript will later be published in an issue of the journal to be decided by the Editorial Board. The Dissemination Committee will make the proper dissemination of post-publication articles.

If the article is not approved, the Associate Editor will contact the author(s) justifying the reason(s) for which it was not accepted, with the possibility of being approved if the author is willing to make improvements in the aspects where it failed.


3. Copyright Statement

The authors of the article are responsible for the content present on the article, this way, the Journal UMinho Science asks the authors to sign a Statement regarding the use of original and/or third-party authorized material and upload the document with the rest of others files while doing the submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Note that this policy was last updated on 17th October 2022.

For more information, please contact us by email (