Pegmatite fields of São Pedro de Ferros, Antônio Dias and Marilac, Minas Gerais State, Brazil: petrographic characterization

Campos de pegmatitos de São Pedro de Ferros, Antônio Dias e Marilac, Minas Gerais, Brasil: caraterização petrográfica


  • Raphael Costa Universidade do Minho



Pegmatites, Oriental Pegmatitic Province, Beryl, Quartz, Igneous process, Petrography


Pegmatites are rocks of granite or metastatic origin with gigantic crystals that are formed in fluid phase of the magmatic liquid enriched with incompatible elements, thats why they can be considered as gemstones and industrial minerals deposits. Both studied areas in the present article were genererated by anatexia process or partial fusion. The Jatobá Mine in the Pegmatitic Field of Ferros-Antônio Dias, in Santa Maria de Itabira, explores the aquamarine gem, a beryl variety, in a pegmatite that is located closer to the granite system of the quartz core and is docked in a gnaisse granitic rock from the Guanhães Complex. The collected sample was denominated like Quartzo alkali feldspar sienite in the Diagram QAPF. The blue color of the beryl is given by the intrusion of Fe. The Duas Cores Mining represents the Pegmatitic Field of Marilac, near Governador Valadares, and the exploration of bi-color tourmaline will begin soon. This mineral is in a very weathered pegmatite, positioned more at the end of the granite system and docked in the mica-schist rock of the São Tomé Formation. The sample was named Tonalite by the QAPF Diagram. The color variation of the explored gem is related to the enrichment of the Li element at the site.



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Research Article