Studying Floristic Composition for the Conservation of Parque das Camélias (Braga Municipality) Biodiversity
Conservation strategies, Biodiversity, Parque das Camélias, Floristic composition.Abstract
The conservation of biodiversity and the understanding of its distribution patterns play a crucial role in promoting effective land management. The present study aimed to identify herbaceous species in Parque Urbano das Camélias located in the city of Braga. The research was conducted as part of an ongoing collaboration between the School of Sciences at the University of Minho and the Municipal Council of Braga. The site was sampled using the quadrant method, employing a 1m2 measurement, to encompass 12 strategically selected locations throughout the park. The findings encompassed 28 distinct specimens, with identification achieved at the genus level for 27 and at the species level for 25. The study area harbors both native species from mainland Portugal and exotic species, with the Poaceae family being predominant, accounting for 50% of the identified individuals. Some of the species identified in the park include Avena spp., Bromus madritensis, and Plantago lanceolata. The study discusses preservation strategies and biodiversity enhancement for the Parque Urbano das Camélias.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Barbara Lages, Ana Castro, Renato Henriques, António Teixeira, Hernâni Gerós

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