The geomorphological heritage cartography focused on the geotouristic interpretation




Geomorphological heritage, Geoconservation, Geotourism, Environmental interpretation, Geomorphological cartography


This work is aimed to collaborate with the discussions that involve the cartographic representation of the elements associated to the geomorphological heritage, in order to investigate how the communication of geoscientific content is being made in Brazil with the non-specialist group. In order to suit the purpose, we used the classification of geotouristic maps for non-specialists proposed by Géraldine Bissing from the University of Lausanne. 27 geotouristic maps from Brazilian researches were selected, where we sought to suit them into the classification of geotouristic maps. It has been identified that 85% of the maps elaborated in Brazil are small scale, presenting a lack of scientific and touristic information. Concerning symbolism, only 11% use figurative symbols which are more adequate for geotouristic purposes as the information was not only simplified but also adapted for an easily understandable language for the non-specialist public. In the case of maps elaborated in Brazil, it was found the use of field pictures around the layout of some maps in order to make the content communication more effective with the non-specialist public. We conclude that it is necessary to develop a cartography proper for the geotouristic interpretation, based on representations and interests of groups and individuals in order to understand its effectiveness for the diffusion of knowledge about the geomorphological heritage with the non-specialist public.


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How to Cite

Figueiró, A. S., & Von Ahn, M. M. (2019). The geomorphological heritage cartography focused on the geotouristic interpretation. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 1(2), 3–19.