On the trails of Vila Velha State Park (Paraná-Brasil): between landscape shapes and lines





Geomorphology, Environmental education, Teaching, Environment, Geography, Interdisciplinarity


This research discusses the pedagogical potential of geomorphological patrimony as space for citizenship generation, due to its constitution as a reachable local to build and spread knowledge through different educational stages. In this sense, as a way to enjoy such formative potentialities of geomorphological patrimonies, a study in loco was proposed by means of a interdisciplinary practice between Geography ad Arts, taking place in the Vila Velha State Park, city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil. The objective was to deepen the knowing on landscape shapes and Earth’s geological structure, as well as to stimulate the artistic and creative potential of sixth grade students from a Londrina/Paraná middle school through videos and pictures. Vila Velha State Park is constantly visited for this purpose, since it is a geological site recognized as Historical and Artistic State Patrimony since 1966. The field research allowed students to experience a peculiar landscape and comprehend the land dynamics and the transformations provoked by different agents. As result, it was found that Vila Velha State Park, has considerable potential to be used as site for developing educational activities. The field research provided a perception of current environmental and sensitizing subjects towards environmental thematic. As conclusion, field researches to geoconservation sites offered to schools bring lifetime learning to the students, duo to their direct experience with the visited places.


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How to Cite

de Araujo, D. B., Oliveira, L. A., & Goes, D. M. (2020). On the trails of Vila Velha State Park (Paraná-Brasil): between landscape shapes and lines. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 2(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.21814/physisterrae.2247



Geoconservation and natural heritage