The production of geoeductive materials in the proposal of the Fourth Colony Geopark, RS




Geoeducation, Fourth Colony Geopark, Pedagogical instruments, Geoconservation.


In the central region of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), nine municipalities with great relevance in geological-geomorphological, paleontological and historical-cultural heritage represent the territory of one of the project of geopark currently under construction in the state. The heritage richness of this territory is expressed in very rare Triassic fossils, features and geomorphological processes typical of transitional environments between rugged plateaus and extensive areas of alluvial deposition, great biodiversity and preserved cultural heritage evidence dating back to italian and german immigration in this territory in the second half of the 19th century. Several studies point to the importance of pedagogical strategies that can act in this context, Thus, geo-educational materials serve as tools for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. However, the construction of these instruments requires an approach that contemplates the context of the subjects involved and the territory in question. Some educational materials are already being developed, such as a Role Playing Game (RPG), a fourth colony geopark textbook and a large-scale model of the territory, translating the geopatrimonial richness of the territory into a school language. The elaboration of these materials results in strategic tools of awareness and appreciation of heritage and in the awakening of the interest of the use of geosites as a geotouristic attraction.


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How to Cite

Figueiró, A., Motta, V., Brunhauser, T., Ventura, H., & Cechin, D. (2019). The production of geoeductive materials in the proposal of the Fourth Colony Geopark, RS. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 1(2), 171–184.