Methodology of risk analysis in areas of occurrence of urban karst: study applied to the municipality of João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil




Urban Karst, Methodology, Karst Geomorphology


The purpose of this manuscript is to propose a method for analyzing the risks related to karst relief in an urban area, which has as its principle the approach of all the elements that make up the urban karst system, in an integrated manner. Therefore, aspects related to natural physical dynamics are considered, as well as aspects related to urban dynamics. Therefore, the development of this work consists of the description of the referred methodological procedure. Its adoption is indicated with regard to the study of risks in karst environments in urban areas. Thus, considering and correlating the evolutionary dynamics of karst relief and anthropic interferences in the formation of karst risk areas is essential.


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Author Biographies

Caio Lima dos Santos, State University of Paraíba (SUPB).

He has a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Paraíba (2013), a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2016) and a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2020). He is currently a substitute professor at the State University of Paraíba and a professor at the state education network of the State of Paraíba. He has experience in the area of geography, with an emphasis on geomorphology, working mainly on the following themes: karst geomorphology, risk, erosion, watershed studies and geography teaching.

Saulo Roberto de Oliveira Vital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (FURN)

He holds a PhD in Geosciences from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), a Master's in Geography from the same institution and a Bachelor's Degree (Bachelor's and Bachelor's) in Geography from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). He was a professor of public and private basic and technical education (2006-2015) and substitute professor at the State University of Paraíba (2011-2015) in the area of ​​Geosciences. He is currently a Level I Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geography at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Campus Caicó / RN, where he teaches Geomorphology in the Bachelor and Licentiate Degree in Geography. He is a Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Geography at UFRN (GEOCERES), Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Geography at UFPB (PPGG), Collaborating Professor in the Professional Master's in Geography at UFRN (GEOPROF) and Leader of the Research Group. Research in Risk and Natural Disaster Management (GENAT). He was Chief Editor of the Geosciences Magazine of the Northeast (2017-2019). He is a member of the Union of Brazilian Geomorphology (UGB), a member of the Association of Brazilian Geographers (AGB - Section RN / Caicó) and a member / coordinator of the Local Collaborative Nucleus of the Semiarid for the Brazilian Relief Classification System, in collaboration with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It is also part of the Scientific Councils of Journals: REGNE (Geoscience Journals of the Northeast), Geography Notebook at PUC / MG, REDE- Electronic Magazine of PRODEMA, Okara - Geography in Debate (UFPB) and William Morris Davis - Revista de Geomorfologia. It acts at the interface between Exact and Earth Sciences and Human Sciences, in the areas of Geosciences and Education, with an emphasis on Geomorphology, Geocartography, Remote Sensing and Teaching Methods and Techniques, focusing on the following themes: geomorphological cartography, geomorphological risks, karst geomorphology, geotechnologies applied to geomorphological studies, procedural analysis in geomorphology, morphodynamics of semi-arid environments and teaching of physical-natural themes.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. L. dos ., Girão, O., & Vital, S. R. de O. . (2021). Methodology of risk analysis in areas of occurrence of urban karst: study applied to the municipality of João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 3(1-2), 23–35.



Concepts and Methods in Physical Geography and Environment