Microtopographic changes on the soil surface in tobacco crop in the Southeast Region of Paraná - Brazil





Hydrogeomophological dynamics, Agricultural activities, Roughness, Crop, Inter-crop


Tobacco crop has become one of the main agricultural activities of small farms in the southeastern region of the state of Paraná - Brazil. In most of these properties, cultivation is carried out with little mechanization, contributing to the development of conventional tillage. This cultivation practice is characterized by the periodic exposure and revolving of the soil. The turning of the soil surface during crop creates adverse conditions on the soil surface, modifying the hydrogeomophological dynamics of the surface. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of agricultural activities on the surface roughness of the soil over a year in a tobacco crop area and how these changes can interfere with water retention in the soil. Plots with transversal profiles were used to identify how the activities change the microtopography of the soil surface during the crop period (September to February) and inter-crop season (March to August). At the end of the research, we concluded that the activities change the surface roughness, interfering in the water retention in the soil. During the harvest of tobacco leaves (December to February) the farmer stopped revolving the soil surface and activities intensified, with a reduction in surface roughness. In this case, we observed greater runoff between the lines during the rains.


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How to Cite

Antoneli, V., Bednarz, J. A., & Menon, L. (2021). Microtopographic changes on the soil surface in tobacco crop in the Southeast Region of Paraná - Brazil. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 2(2), 67–84. https://doi.org/10.21814/physisterrae.3057



Methodologies in Geomorphology