Use of rain simulator for determining CN value and initial abstraction in coffee culture in a brazilian savana environment




Surface runoff, Hydrographic basin, Hydrogeomorphology, Surface dynamics


The knowledge of the hydrological functioning of a hydrographic basin allows the adoption of measures of environmental planning in order to guarantee the permanence of the natural resources inserted there. The adoption of models that aim to expose the dynamics of the operation of basin flows are of great interest, such as the SCS-CN Method developed by the NRCS (Natural Research Conservation Service - USDA - US Department of Agriculture). However, this model was elaborated under edaphoclimatic conditions distinct from the Brazilian territory, requiring the calibration of the indexes under the specific environmental conditions of each location. This work aimed to present a methodology to determine the parameters of the SCS-CN Method, the initial abstraction, the runoff and the respective CN values for the Arabica coffee culture, inserted in the cerrado environment, through the use of a rain simulator in two predefined periods (spring-summer and autumn-winter). The initial abstraction indexes of the rain simulator (λsi) were lower than λ = 0.2 and varied between the simulations from 0.03 to 0.14, observing the interference of the precipitation volume in the initial abstraction index. The surface runoff ranged from 0.18 mm to 6.26 mm, showing a great variation in the runoff volume between the gutters. In summary, there is an increase in the runoff volume of the first simulation in relation to the second one without significantly altering the CNsi values.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, F., Confessor, J. G., & Rodrigues, S. C. (2021). Use of rain simulator for determining CN value and initial abstraction in coffee culture in a brazilian savana environment. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 2(2), 101–126.



Methodologies in Geomorphology