Geodiversity mapping of the geosites of Itaetê, inserted in the potential region of the geopark




Geosite, Geotechnology, Mapping


The elements of geodiversity are key to understanding the evolution of the earth and life. When inventoried and endowed with scientific and/or tourist and/or educational values, and geographically well delimited, they are consecrated as geosites. These, when they presents geoconservation strategies, sustainable and multidisciplinary development of the region, dialoguing with local communities and a good management structure, enable the implementation of a Geopark. This work aims to georeference and make the geoenvironmental characterization of three geosites in the municipality of Itaetê: the Caverna do Poço Encantado, the Caverna da Lapa do Bode and the Cachoeira Encantada, which in 2010 was in a perimeter under evaluation for the Chapada Geopark Diamantina by CPRM and also proposed by Pereira (2010). The methodological procedures consisted of literature reviews, fieldwork, use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Representative maps of geodiversity elements were generated, showing that the two caves are located on a carbonate plateau with a karst landscape, of the Salitre Formation, and the Enchanted Waterfall in a context between mountain ranges and structural steps of the Tombador Formation, both covered by Latosols. It was found that the region is attractive for geotourism, promoting knowledge of geosciences and that it can collaborate in the development of local communities.


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Author Biographies

Deorgia Tayane Mendes de Souza, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

Doctoral Student in Applied Geosciences - University of Brasília-UNB. Master by the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Bahia, (2013). Professor of the Geosciences Area - UEFS. Coordinator of the Spectroradiometry Laboratory - PPGM/UEFS Currently linked to the projects MapBiomas Árida and MapBiomas - Annual Land Cover Mapping - Caatinga. She has experience in Geography and Geosciences with an emphasis on remote sensing and soil science.

Washington de Jesus Sant´anna Franca Rocha, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

Geologist graduated from the Federal University of Bahia (1981), holds a master's degree in Economic Geology (1995) and a doctorate in Geology (2001), from the Federal University of Bahia with an internship in Geographical Informatiom System at the Geological Survey of Canada (1999). He is a Full Professor at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS), which he joined in 1988, having held the position of Special Advisor on Institutional Relations at UEFS (2007-2015). He was coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences at UEFS (2005 to 2007 and 2017 to 2019), member of the Board of Advisory and Scientific-Technological Evaluation of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (2004 to 2008 and 2011 to 2014) and president of the Bahia-Sergipe Nucleus of the Brazilian Society of Geology (1996-1998). He was Geologist-Prospector at Caraíba Metais (1983-1987) and Senior Geologist at CSG (1987-1988). He works mainly in the field of geotechnologies (geographical information systems and remote sensing), developing applications for metallogeny, regonal geology, environment, ecology and health. He has also been working since 2008 in Technological Innovation Management, having been Coordinator of the NIT-UEFS between 2008 and 2011 and of the Specialization Course in Technological Innovation Management (2010-2012). He is currently Coordinator of MAPBIOMAS CAATINGA and Superintendent of Development Scientific Officer of the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Bahia.


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How to Cite

Ericka Medeiros da Silva, Deorgia Tayane Mendes de Souza, & Washington de Jesus Sant´anna Franca Rocha. (2022). Geodiversity mapping of the geosites of Itaetê, inserted in the potential region of the geopark. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 4(1-2), 65–82.



Geoconservation and natural heritage