Accumulated precipitation in high land between the Tilaran and Central sections, Costa Rica


  • Marvin Quesada Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Precipitation, climatology, five-year periods, mountainous areas, ENSO


It is analyzed a cumulative total of precipitation every five years, using three climatological stations: Zarcero, Piedades Sur and Montes de Oro in Costa Rica. These locations are selected, since each one is located in different areas of precipitation. In this way it is possible to get an idea of the behavior of precipitation over twenty years. Historical periods every five dry or wet years are identified by the standardized precipitation index method and their trends are analyzed to assess the possible relationship with the ENSO event. Because, those stations are located in very rural areas, only one of them, the first has more than fifty-year data, but to homogenize the records had to consider only twenty years. All stations show some equality in the five-year distribution in precipitation over the course of the period of study (1994-2013). The trend in each season is as follows, Zarcero, they show high levels in the period 2004-2008. Montes de Oro precipitation levels are very regular, albeit with a slight increase in between 2004-2008, but in reality, the increase is very mild. In the case of Piedades Sur shows a strong increase in the rain on the five-year period from 2004-2008. This reflects the existence of a relationship between the area precipitation study regarding ENSO event. As well as the mountainous irregularity.


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How to Cite

Quesada, M. (2019). Accumulated precipitation in high land between the Tilaran and Central sections, Costa Rica. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 1(1), 107–119.


