Geomorphology and human interactions: Theoretical Contributions of Anthropogenic Geomorphology




Urban relief, Anthropogenic geomorphology, Geomorphological processes


Studies related to Anthropogenic Geomorphology began to be more widespread in the scientific community from the 1970s onwards, when papers were published on the influence of man in relation to relief. Although the discussion was highlighted during the period, notes about anthropic interference in geomorphological processes were already considered in previous works, but without due emphasis. Seeking to raise the debate about Anthropogenic Geomorphology, this study presents part of the works and authors that supported the development of geomorphological science, seeking to raise the debate about Anthropogenic Geomorphology, this study presents part of the works and authors that supported the development of geomorphological science, since past times where thinkers carried out reflections on landforms, citing the classic works of William Morris Davis and Walther Penck, thus seeking to point out how it has developed over the years and enabled theoretical ramifications to emerge from its core. In this context, the concepts of Anthropogenic Geomorphology were presented, developed by important authors who significantly contributed to the evolution of this theme. Placing it as an important area of knowledge to be explored by geomorphologists, which, without their domain, will have difficulties in dealing with the geomorphological processes that currently occur in urban centers, since such processes suffer a series of interferences that alter and condition their dynamics, changing their natural characteristics.


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Author Biographies

Jean Roger Bombonatto Danelon, LAGES - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutorando em Geografia pelo PPGEO/UFU.

Anna Carolina Barcelos, LAGES - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

DoutorandA do PPGEO/IGUFU. Mestre em Geografia. Bacharel e Licenciada em Geografia na UFU


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, S. C., Bombonatto Danelon, J. R., & Barcelos, A. C. . (2022). Geomorphology and human interactions: Theoretical Contributions of Anthropogenic Geomorphology. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 4(1-2), 45–63.



Geomorphology and surface dynamics