Proposal for ecological corridors for the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) on the northern border of the Federal District of Brazil




geoconservation;, biogeography, Protected areas


The Cerrado, since 1970, has been the target of significant suppression of native vegetation due to the agricultural frontier. Habitat loss due to the conversion of natural areas into anthropized environments has proved to be one of the main causes of the decline of species such as the maned wolf, endemic to the Cerrado biome and which is almost threatened with extinction. After the loss of habitat, which are the main threats, the opening and paving of highways also represent important threats, due to the constant running over of wild animals, which try to cross the high-speed roads. In view of this scenario, this work proposes an analysis that considers five scenarios of ecological corridors for the maned wolf in the Federal District and surroundings, three of which are located northwest, between the Brasília National Park and the Ecological Station of Águas Emendadas, and two to the northeast, between the Ecological Station of Águas Emendadas and Formosa. The paths prioritized the planning units (hexagons) and the significant scores of the geostatistical result of the Moran index for the variables land use, slope, roads, permanent preservation area (APP) and legal reserve (RL).


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How to Cite

Andrade, B. R., & Steinke, V. A. (2023). Proposal for ecological corridors for the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) on the northern border of the Federal District of Brazil. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 5(1), 25–44.



Biogeography and landscape