Geoeducational itinerary in geossites of different categories in Geopark Araripe, Ceará


  • Bruna Almeida de Oliveira Geógrafa (URCA) e mestre em Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)
  • Francisco Nataniel Batista de Albuquerque Curso de Geografia, Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE) campus Iguatu, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (PROPGEO-UVA)



Geodiversity, Geoeducation, Geoeducational itinerary, Classroom in the field


The geoeducational itineraries and classes in the field are important educational strategies for the perception and appreciation of geodiversity by civil society and, mainly, Basic Education students. Given the above, the objective of this work is to propose geoeducational routes through field classes according to the different geosite typologies of the Araripe Geopark, Ceará. From a methodological point of view, the geosites were classified according to the main interest of geodiversity. As a result, three geoeducational routes were proposed: a paleontological route, in the Petrified Forest, Pterosauros Park and Cariri Stone geosites; geomorphological route, Colina do Horto, Pontal de Santa Cruz and Ponte de Pedra, and; hydrogeological route, in the Batateira, Riacho do Meio and Cachoeira de Missão Velha geosites. For each geosite category according to the main interest of geodiversity, the objectives, best period for visitation, logistics and infrastructure were considered in the planning of the geoeducational routes, as well as the vulnerabilities/limitations for carrying out the activity through field classes with children and teenagers, thus allowing, the valuation of the Geopark Araripe's geoheritage and the redefinition of this teaching methodology in the context of School Geography.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. A. de, & Albuquerque, F. N. B. de. (2023). Geoeducational itinerary in geossites of different categories in Geopark Araripe, Ceará. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 5(2-3), 187–199.



Geoconservation and Territorial Development: Realities and Challenges