Geomorphology as a movie scenario: the case of Parque de Bardenas Reales - Spain




Movie theater, Tourism, Landscape


Cinematographic production demands a process of creating scenarios, whether in the studio or in locations made in existing landscapes, which can be adapted to the fictional script. In this work, the set of geomorphological landscapes of the Parque de Bardenas Reales (Spain) was analyzed, as a setting to produce “Games of Thrones”. Having as observation parameters the relationship established by the demand for fiction and its repercussions in the local and regional context. The results point to a high growth of tourism in the park and a diffusion of the locations as a point of interest for the spectators, making the geomorphological features a relevant element for the understanding of the original landscape.


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How to Cite

Steinke, V. A. (2023). Geomorphology as a movie scenario: the case of Parque de Bardenas Reales - Spain. Physis Terrae - Ibero-Afro-American Journal of Physical Geography and Environment, 5(2-3), 289–304.



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