As novas contraordenações no Regime Geral da Gestão de Resíduos e no Regime Unificado de Fluxos Específicos − as alterações promovidas pelo DL n.º 24/2024, de 26/3
Environmental Offences and Economic Offences, General Waste Management Regime, Unified Regime of Specific FlowsAbstract
Waste management should be geared towards preventing waste production (reducing its quantity and hazard), preserving natural resources (taking into account the economic value of waste as a potential source of raw materials and energy), and to mitigate the adverse impacts on the environment and human health resulting from its production, by creating appropriate conditions for its management, based on the optimisation of the use of existing infrastructure. The pursuit of these objectives requires agents operating in the waste sector to comply with a set of requirements for the development of their activity, under penalty of the application of administrative and/or sanctioning measures, which aim to hold them accountable (by action or omission). Decree-Law no. 24/2024, of March 26(th), promoted a set of amendments to the General Waste Management Regime and the Unified Regime of Specific Flows, expanding the catalogue of administrative offences as a deterrent instrument against the possible adoption of illegal practices by the agents involved in waste management operations and/or specific streams.