About the Journal


Anthropocenica. Revista de Estudos do Antropoceno e Ecocrítica is an annual academic publication whose main objective is to disseminate original and unpublished bibliographic material on relevant issues and problems in the fields of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism.



Anthropocenica issues can consist of:

  • Texts on different topics/problems in the multidisciplinary areas of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, namely:
    • Research articles
    • Book reviews
    • Translations
    • Interviews
  • Thematic dossiers: composed of a minimum of 4 (four) original and unpublished articles on a specific topic/problem, organized by a guest editor or by proposals submitted for analysis by the editorial team.
  • Special issues: with a minimum of 6 (six) original and unpublished articles on a specific topic / problem, organized by a guest editor or by proposals submitted for analysis by the editorial team


Editorial Policy

Anthropocenica is an open access academic publication, operating in accordance with the peer review system and aimed at national and foreign academics and researchers. It welcomes article submissions that deepen the multidisciplinary knowledge of thematic and relevant issues in the fields of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, primarily in Portuguese, but also in Spanish, English and French.

The Journal accepts proposals for original and unpublished academic papers on topics and problems related to the calls for papers and the objectives and scope of the journal, in the form of (1) research articles (2) critical book reviews and (3) translations. Papers can be proposed in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French and the linguistic revision (grammatical and orthographic) of the texts is the sole responsibility of the authors. Only research articles from PhDs in single authorship or in co-authorship will be evaluated. Research articles by doctoral students co-authoring with a doctorate are also accepted for evaluation. Critical reviews and translations authored or co-authored by doctorates and/or doctoral students are accepted for evaluation.


Editorial Procedure

  1. Annually a call for papers is published. The authors of the submitted manuscripts are informed of the editorial decision up to 3 months after the closing of the call for papers. The papers submitted to Anthropocenica are subject to a preliminary analysis by the editors of the journal, which will have as acceptance criteria: adequacy to the call for papers, the objectives and scope of the journal; full compliance with editorial standards; presentation of the structure and content of a scientific article. Compliant texts are considered for possible publication, being sent for review by reviewers within the rules set out in the following points.
  2. The decision to publish the works proposed to the Journal rests with the editors. Both in the case of articles and book reviews, the decision depends on the favorable opinion of two external reviewers, one of whom is a native speaker of the language used in the work, under double anonymity. The journal's editors reserves the right to promote interviews or other actions on topics of special relevance to Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, these contributions being not subject to the evaluation of external reviewers.
  3. Once the article or review has been sent for external evaluation, the two reviewers are asked to make one of the following recommendations based on an assessment of the academic quality of the article, originality and relevance to the call for papers and the objectives and scope of the magazine:
    • (A) Publish without any changes
    • (B) Publish with minor modifications
    • (C) Subject to in-depth reviews and re-submission
    • (D) Do not publish.

Only one review and one resubmission is allowed. Authors are notified by email of the result of the review process and, in the case of recommendations B or C, invited to submit a new version within 1 month after notification. Once the final version is accepted, it is edited and, before its publication, the proofs are sent to the authors to approve their publication. Authors are not charged any fees for processing and submitting articles.


Open Access Policy

Anthropocenica provides open and free access to its content.


Ethical guidelines

Anthropocenica is guided by high ethical standards. It is committed to following the guidelines on best academic publication practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; https://publicationethics.org/files/COPE_Principles_of_Transparency_Poster.pdf) and to require all parties involved in their publication – the authors, the editors, the reviewers and the publisher – respect for them.

Texts submitted for publication are verified using electronic plagiarism detection tools in the initial evaluation phase and before being sent for review. Authors must ensure that the data and results presented in the texts are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated. When detecting a possible case of editorial misconduct - falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including the republishing of the author's own material without due credit, misuse of third party works, etc. – authors and readers should contact the magazine's editors. All allegations of editorial misconduct are investigated with the participation of all parties involved.

Upon receiving reports of misconduct, the editors initiate an investigative process in accordance with the procedures established by COPE. If the suspicions are confirmed, Anthropocenica reserves the right to take measures, including, but not limited to: simple text correction or credit assignment; remove the article from the magazine; take the matter to academic bodies; prohibit the author from publishing in the journal, or take appropriate legal measures.

Authors may not send originals to Anthropocenica that have been previously submitted for consideration by another editor, nor will they send that original to another editor until they receive notification of their rejection or until they voluntarily withdraw it.



E-mail: instituteforanthropocenestudies@protonmail.com