The Cry of Gaia in Roberto and Erasmo Carlos´´´ s ecoogical songs


  • Sueli Meira Liebig Universidade Estaual da Paraíba - UEPB



This article shows how the concern with the poor preservation of the environment, motivated by the wearisome behavior of the human beings in face of Nature reverberates in the songs of the Brazilian singers and composers Roberto and Erasmo Carlos. More specifically, aims to do it through the analysis of their lyrical compositions, from 1976 to 1976, which reveal a change in style that characterized the successes of the “Jovem Guarda” or the eminently romantic songs that had marked the previous two decades of their artistic careers. Approaching the issue in the light of Deep Ecology, it is analyzed here how these musicians started a wave of protest against the imminent extinction of Planet Earth, in which the tone of revolt against the crimes committed by Humanity against Gaia, its own home, stands out.


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How to Cite

Meira Liebig, S. (2022). The Cry of Gaia in Roberto and Erasmo Carlos´´´ s ecoogical songs. Anthropocenica. Journal of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, 3.


