A ficção climática: ponderações sobre o realismo como caminho para pensar os efeitos subjetivos do Antropoceno


  • Melina Savi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Climate Fiction; Cli-fi; Anthropocene; Ecocriticism; North-American Literature.


This article discusses the trend in contemporary realistic fiction of addressing climate change, one of the most urgent issues of our time. In North-American literature, there are several works that deal with this theme, either in the backdrop or as an element that locates the narrative in the context of the Anthropocene, the possible new geological epoch marked by anthropogenic impacts on the Earth’s biophysical systems. The article explores the concept of the Anthropocene and discusses how the term has been used in the humanities to reflect on the relationship between nature and culture, on human practices of exploitation and domination over nature, and social hierarchies based on race, gender, and class. The analysis also addresses the emergence of “cli-fi,” a thematic category in contemporary fiction that deals with climate change, and how contemporary realistic fiction can explore climate change in a way that does not relegate the subject solely to science and speculative fictions. The study traces a brief historical line of environmental concerns in literature and offers three examples of how “cli-fi” can contribute to a reflection about the anthropogenic impacts on the subjective dimensions of characters and their connections with contemporary society.


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How to Cite

Savi, M. (2023). A ficção climática: ponderações sobre o realismo como caminho para pensar os efeitos subjetivos do Antropoceno. Anthropocenica. Journal of Anthropocene Studies and Ecocriticism, 4, 87–107. https://doi.org/10.21814/anthropocenica.4859


