The commons as a paradigm shift for a regenerative Anthropocene


  • Paulo Magalhães Common Home of Humanity
  • Álvaro Costa Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment (CITTA), Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
  • Gabriela Morello Common Home of Humanity
  • Ana Luísa Guimarães Common Home of Humanity
  • José Viegas Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS), Técnico, University of Lisbon


Mots-clés :

Climate Heritage, Paris Agreement, Public Common Good, Regenerative Economy, Common Concern of Humankind, Common Heritage of Humankind


As the Earth System's trajectory approaches an irreversible path towards a "Hothouse Earth", societies remain unable to collectively ensure the maintenance of a stable climate. Nearly 30 years have passed after climate change was considered a Common Concern of Humankind, a status that remains the legal framework adopted by the Paris Agreement. A stable climate is a manifestation of the stable and well-defined functioning of the Earth System. Although intangible, a stable climate exists in the real world and is necessarily a common good for being limited, exhaustible, and non-excludable. Thus, a congruent system between the rules of appropriation (negative impacts) and provision of the global public good (positive impacts) is necessary for the effective management of the common good – stable climate. However, in the current legal framework that considers a stable climate a Common Concern of Humankind, a stable climate is invisible to our international legal system and economy, which makes it impossible for it to become an object of international governance. Here, the authors argue that the recognition of a stable climate as the Common Heritage of Humankind is the first and fundamental step for being able to act towards restoring and maintaining a stable climate.


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Comment citer

Magalhães, P., Costa, Álvaro, Morello, G., Guimarães, A. L., & Viegas, J. (2021). The commons as a paradigm shift for a regenerative Anthropocene. Anthropocenica. Revue d’Études De l’Anthropocène Et Écocritique, 2.


