Child Temperament and Child-care Support are Related to Better Mother-child Relationship Quality
child temperament, mother-child relationship, household chaos, child-care supportAbstract
The current study identifies associates of mother-first-born-child relationship quality of an important period that is when expecting a second child. Based on Belsky’s determinants of parenting model (Belsky, 1984), we suggested three domains to relate to mother-child relationship quality, maternal personal resources (well-being, effortful control), child characteristics (temperament, behaviour problems) and contextual factors (household chaos, child-care support, marital satisfaction). Forty-five mothers (Mage= 34.78 years; SDage = 3.86 years) and their typically developing first-born children (Mchild age=32.26 months; SDage = 6.27) were visited at home in the south of England, Sussex, UK, where mothers completed questionnaires and mother-child interactions were videotaped. Results demonstrated that easier child temperament, better maternal well-being, less household chaos and more child-care support were related to more positive mother-child relationship quality. Together the variables explained 23% of the variance in relationship quality. The child’s easy temperament, chaos and child-care support provided unique variance in explaining the mother-child relationship. These results contribute to the literature on expecting a second child and yield several implications. The findings also provide guidance for future intervention programs. In order to improve the mother-child relationship quality, child executive functioning may be a fruitful target for intervention, as well as increased support for child-care and decreased household chaos.
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