Challenges on implementing a screening system with ages and stages questionnaires (ASQ-PT) in Portugal
Ages and Stages Questionnaires, development screening, professionals/families collaborationAbstract
Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-PT) is a screening instrument that has already been standardized and adapted to Portuguese child population. We conducted a study to understand professionals and parents perceptions on the use of Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-PT). Families and professionals (early intervention, health and education) from three geographical areas of Portugal (North, Center and Lisbon and Tagus Valley) used this instrument to screen children. After we analyze the screening system implemented and the collected data, a set of key words allowed us to reflect on the practical implications of screening and the ASQ system: Motivation; Collaboration; Trust; Knowledge/empowerment; Coordination; Dissemination; Training. Results of this qualitative study are presented with suggestions on enhancing ASQ-PT uses.
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