Efficacy of a metacognitive intervention programme on reading comprehension in third grade students





Inhibition, reading comprehension, metacognitive processes, planning facilitation, quasi-experimental study


This study examined the efficacy of a metacognitive intervention programme in a classroom group of 33 third-grade students. Two groups were formed: the intervention group with students in the classroom who showed reading delay and cognitive attention processes (n=8) and the comparison group (n=25). In the intervention group, a planning facilitation programme was implemented that aimed to improve inhibition processes and, correspondingly, overall reading comprehension indices. The Das-Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System (D.N: CAS; Naglieri & Das, 1997) was used to measure attention processes. For reading processes, the Catalan et al. (2010) Reading Comprehension Assessment (ACL) test was used. The measurements were taken at pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The results showed that the intervention group equalled the comparison group in reading comprehension and significantly improved in inhibition processes in the post and follow-up measures. It is concluded that the programme has had an impact on improving inhibition processes when facing reading activities.

Author Biographies

Martina Ares Ferreirós, University of Vigo

Associate Professor at the University of Vigo and PhD in Improving reading comprehension through metacognitive training

Mónica Rodriguez Enríquez, University of Vigo

Associate Professor at the University of Vigo and PhD in Translational Research in Public Health and High Prevalence Diseases at the University of the Balearic Islands

Juan Luis Rodríguez Rodríguez, University of Vigo

Associate Professor who combines his work as an Educational Counselor in the stages of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education

Yariel Hernandez Rosell, University of Vigo

Researcher in the group of Educational and Developmental Psychology at UVIGO - GiPEDUvi


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How to Cite

Ares Ferreirós, M., Rodriguez Enríquez, M., Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. L., & Hernandez Rosell, Y. (2023). Efficacy of a metacognitive intervention programme on reading comprehension in third grade students . Child Studies, (3), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.21814/childstudies.5267


