Early Childhood Intervention: The Perspective of Families





early childhood intervention, family-centred practices, family participation


The study explores how families in North Portugal perceive professional practices of Local Early Intervention Teams (LIT) within the Portuguese Nacional System of Early Childhood Intervention (Sistema Nacional de Intervenção Precoce na Infância - SNIPI), fourteen years after the publication of Decree-Law 281/2009.

Thirty-five families with children aged 0-6, receiving LIT intervention for at least two years, participated. The research employed a qualitative approach, involving semi-structured interviews. Data analysis utilized content analysis to categorize responses.

Overall, the findings indicate that many families expressed satisfaction with LIT assistance but noted areas lacking a family-centered approach. Families also highlighted challenges and suggestions for improvement. The study offers insights for enhancing Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services under SNIPI, by incorporating direct family perspectives.

Author Biographies

Vânia Oliveira, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Porto

She was recently graduated in Educational Psychology and Human Development, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto. Completed her academic internship in a Local Early Intervention Team, in the city of Porto, Portugal. Her master's thesis was also developed within the scope of Early Childhood Intervention. Currently, is undertaking her junior professional year at CASA – Center for Psychology, Education and Development, in Porto.

Catarina Grande, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Porto

Has a Ph.D. in Psychology and is an assistant professor of Psychology in pre- and post-graduate studies at FPCEUP and an integrated member of the Center of Psychology of the University of Porto. Her areas of scientific activity are Educational and Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Intervention, and recently Pediatric Psychology. Her main research interest is preschool children with typical and atypical development and she participated in different research projects on early childhood education, and early childhood intervention.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, V., & Grande, C. . (2024). Early Childhood Intervention: The Perspective of Families. Child Studies, 1(4), 33–48. https://doi.org/10.21814/childstudies.5659


