Centring children in research: A collaborative exploration into child-centredness as method and theory
child-centredness, decentring, child research, child and childhood studies, collaborative writingAbstract
This collaborative article explores child-centredness as a theoretical and methodological concept by asking what it means to centre children in research. The collaborative format offers a heterogeneity of voices on the concept as the contributing authors write, critically and creatively, from a range of different interdisciplinary research perspectives. Writing from the departure point of the key role of child-centred approaches within the field, including recent discussions concerning the need to decentre children/childhood, the goal is to spur and contribute to discussions on the possibilities and challenges of the concept, as well as new ways of approaching it.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Orrmalm, Johanna Sjöberg, Anna Sparrman, Joel Löw, Johanna Annerbäck, Johanna Sköld, Emilia Holmbom Strid, Sanna Hedrén, Lina Lago, Olga Anatoli, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Alan Prout, Marek Tesar
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