The difficult acquisition of the subjunctive vs indicative moods by Portuguese and Francophone learners




Subjunctive, Indicative, Foreign Language, Mother Tongue, French, Portuguese


Grammar acquisition in a foreign language has always proven to be a difficult task, taking into account the prominence given, at times, to communicative competence to the detriment of the language accuracy. The subjunctive is a relevant example of this issue, insofar as its assimilation and use is always a lengthy and arduous process. Since Portuguese and French are two relatively close Romance languages, students would be expected to use the subjunctive mood appropriately, as it occurs in similar contexts in both languages. However, the analysis of students' discourse has revealed difficulties in selecting the appropriate mood, the subjunctive vs the indicative, even when both their mother tongues and the foreign language would employ the same verbal mood. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine whether the problematic choice of the appropriate mood occurs in the same contexts in both languages or whether the difficulties manifested by each group of learners are inherent to the values that the subjunctive exhibits in their mother tongue, despite the similarities between French and Portuguese.


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How to Cite

Marques Antunes, M. H. . (2022). The difficult acquisition of the subjunctive vs indicative moods by Portuguese and Francophone learners. Diacrítica, 36(2), 142–158.