The literary text as a didactic resource for teaching-learning of PFL: assumptions, challenges and proposals




Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Literary text, Lusograph authors, Didatization, Poetry, Fernando Sylvan


Portuguese is the language used by a vast community of authors from all over the Portuguese-speaking world to create their literary works. Thus, the literary text appears to be a particularly useful resource for the teaching-learning process of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL), as it allows natural and authentic contact with this pluricentric language, highlighting its linguistic and cultural diversity. . On the linguistic level, the Lusograph literary texts make it possible to make known the different varieties of Portuguese; at the cultural level, they open up broad perspectives of knowledge and reflection, refusing ethnocentrism. In this article, some theoretical assumptions regarding the use of the literary text for the learning of PFL are synthesized, it is reflected on the challenges that such texts pose and didactic suggestions are presented for their inclusion in the teaching practice, based on a poem by the Timorese author Fernando Sylvan.


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How to Cite

Ramón, M. (2022). The literary text as a didactic resource for teaching-learning of PFL: assumptions, challenges and proposals. Diacrítica, 36(2), 267–276.