Beyond the waves. A starting point about the social meaning of the variation between final unstressed nasal diphthong and oral vowel in Brazilian
variation, evaluation, speech styleAbstract
This paper presents the result of a study about the social meaning of the variation between final unstressed nasal diphthong and oral vowel, such as in homem ~ homi, from the observed behaviour of Brazilian Portuguese speakers according to speech style constraint. Moreover, it also presents a reflexion on the different “waves” or approaches of the social meaning of linguistic variation as presented by Eckert (2012) to locate the starting point of this study on the set of analytical practices for the study of variation developed within the Sociolinguistic approach. It is argued that the study of the social meaning of variation constitutes an interdisciplinary challenge that must encompass both macro and micro-social issues. Specifically in relation to the object of study, the results for speech style indicated that the variation presents stylistic stratification, a typical feature of a sociolinguistic marker.
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