Eros, Latin Comedy,, Erotic PassionAbstract
By analysing the character senex in Plautus’ play Mercator, this article examines the consequences of the encounter with the god Eros / Cupid from a perspective of Stoic philosophy, or rather, it examines a disease (insania) which was treated through philosophy. The ill effects of lack of control and lack of moderation in the face of the erotic passion will be discussed through examining the attitudes of the character Demipho. this research is based mainly on the philosophical texts of Plato (Phaedrus and the Symposium), Aristotle (Rhetoric and Nicomachean Ethics) and Cicero (De Senectute and Tusculan Disputations) and texts by contemporary authors such as Martha C. Nussbaum (Theory of Desire), and Aude Lancelin & Marie Lemonnier (The Philosophers and Love).
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Argumentos: Revista de Filosofia, v. 12, 49-60.
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