Art and post-memory – Fragments, ghosts anddreams


  • Margarida Calafate Ribeiro



Art, Post-memory, Colonialism, Post-colonialism


In this article, I approach the relationship between art and post-memory based on the colonial legacies linked to the dictatorship regime in Portugal, the colonial wars in Africa, and the decolonization expressed in the work of four Portuguese women artists: Isabela Figueiredo with Cadernos de Memórias Coloniais(2009), Filipa César, Grada Kilomba, with Conakry(2013), and Ana Vidigal with Penélope(2000). In my reading, these works are letters to the father/motherland. The historical context and the theoretical frame are developed in the first part of the article.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, M. C. (2020). Art and post-memory – Fragments, ghosts anddreams. Diacrítica, 34(2), 4–20.