The contextualization cues processing by Haitian students in the context of Brazilian Portuguese teaching as host language


  • Rodrigo Albuquerque Universidade de Brasília (Brasil)
  • Ana Quésia de Sousa Silva Universidade de Brasília (Brasil)



contextualization cues, conversational inference, teaching of Brazilian Portuguese as a host language, intercultural contact


Intercultural contact offers great probability for interactional misalignments, affecting the mutual understanding of the interlocutors, due to the different sociocultural contexts in which the subjects are inserted. Because of this scenario, our study aims to investigate which contextualization cues are processed by Haitian learners of Brazilian Portuguese as host language in contact with the native teacher. Therefore, our study, in the context of interactional sociolinguistics, brings together a discussion about contextualization cues (as Gumperz 1982a; Albuquerque 2009, 2017) focused on a new socio-educational context claimed by the host language agenda (as Cabete 2010; Grosso 2010). As methodological procedures, we performed field notes, under ethnographic recommendations, registering the interaction between Patrícia (Brazilian teacher) and her Haitian students (João and Natália). Interactive excerpts revealed in general that Natália did not process adequately non-linguisticcues that referred to the term Brasil, but, like João, she processed the linguistic and non-linguistic signs concerning the understanding of the expressionTiradentes. Finally, we emphasize that the classroom becomes a space for the host according as offers to social actors the possibility of co-construction of meanings.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, R., & Silva, A. Q. de S. (2018). The contextualization cues processing by Haitian students in the context of Brazilian Portuguese teaching as host language. Diacrítica, 32(1), 133–158.