Direct speech compounds in Brazilian Portuguese: fictive interaction in lexicon


  • José Carlos da Costa Junior
  • Luiz Fernando Matos Rocha UFJF (Brasil)



direct speech compounds, fictivity, cognitive linguistics


The aim of this article is to identify, describe and analyze the formal patterns and examples of Direct Speech Compounds (DSCs) in Brazilian Portuguese. DSCs consist of a noun (N) or a nominal phrase (SN) and a fictive direct speech modifier, as follows: “aliança eu escolhi esperar”, “dia do Fico”, “boquinha de moranguinho assim me sujei com morango, sabe?’’ e “maquiadoro” (adoro+ maquiagem). Our theoretical background is mainly based on Cognitive Linguistics authors such as Langacker (2008), Talmy (2000) and especially Pascual (2014; 2016). Methodologically, we have made an internet research on Google and we have found 44 DSCs occurrences inBrazilian Portuguese. The data analysis revealed four types of DSC patterns, in the following order of frequency: (i) N (P) + PREPOSITION “DE” + DIRECT SPEECHMODIFIER (ii) N(P) + DIRECT SPEECHMODIFIER, (III), N (P) + (PREPOSITION“DE’’) + HEDGE (TIPO) ASSIM + DIRECT SPEECH MODIFIER and (IV) NOUN +DIRECT SPEECH MORPHEME (in the same word). We claim that DSCs are a kindof lexicon-discourse blend in which the semantic noun elaboration, usually made by adjectives, are structured by the conversational frame, resulting in expressive effects such as humor, caricature, critic and persuasion.


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How to Cite

Junior, J. C. da C., & Rocha, L. F. M. (2018). Direct speech compounds in Brazilian Portuguese: fictive interaction in lexicon. Diacrítica, 32(1), 159–178.