The Fool, the Sage, the Bard (into the machine): self-referential processes of artistic research in cyberliterature


  • Diogo Marques



Cybernetics, Cyberculture, Cyberliterature, Creative research, Theory of Play, Creativity


Recovering part of the Koestlerian theory of creativity that understands the creative act as a ‘bisociation’ of two or more structures of thought, this paper proposes a reflection on the concept of ‘artistic research’ in the light of its self-referential processes in Cyberliterature. Five decades after the publication of The Act of Creation (1964), the confluence between the playful, scientific and artistic aspects Arthur Koestler identifies in the human creative act are now understood as outdated. Namely, if taking into account the digital age and its influence on virtually every sphere of knowledge. However, succisa virescit, it is in the re-reading of its inaugural intention –the criticism of a given academic tendency in reducing the human being to the status of a conditioned automaton –that, paradoxically, it is possible to introduce a new variable in Koestler’s famous tripartite formula: the machine. Moreover, regarding the tension that may exist between programmability and creation, and from a pluri-inter-transdisciplinary approach, it is also our intention to illustrate the ways in which barriers between creation and research become blurred, hence paving the way for the potential realization of a renewed scientific paradigm.


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How to Cite

Marques, D. . (2019). The Fool, the Sage, the Bard (into the machine): self-referential processes of artistic research in cyberliterature. Diacrítica, 33(1), 20–41.