Cartography and artography as living methods of research in art and art education


  • Leonardo Verde Charréu



Artistic research methods, Cartography, Artography, Living inquiry


It is intended to address two methods that have been used by recent researchers in the writing of their dissertations and theses, with particular emphasis on those that have been implemented (not without resistance) in some university institutions that have dared to break with traditional methods of research, not only in areas such as the arts, but also in those that belong to what has been called the humanities. The performative and undeniably ‘artistic’ dimension of this work escapes from the evaluation criteria and respective parameters of analysis currently used in qualitative research. It has clear limitations to evaluate the artistic, and what imply ineffable and phenomenological, especially if we position ourselves from the place of the researcher-artist aware of the unique and unrepeatable nature of his work and practice.


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How to Cite

Charréu, L. V. (2019). Cartography and artography as living methods of research in art and art education. Diacrítica, 33(1), 83–103.