Pristine Scene: existential field of aesthetic investigation


  • Deise Abreu Pacheco



Pristine scene, Textual creation, Existential aesthetics, Immediacy and language, Poetics of silence, Søren Kierkegaard


Through the presentation of a modality of textual creation named pristine scene, this article proposes a theoretical-practical research approach in the field of performing arts. In view of the philosophical confrontation between conceptual understanding and experiential knowledge, thought and existence, this perspective lies within the context of the thinking of Danish author Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855). The notion entitled pristine scene, taken as an existential field of aesthetic investigation, is addressed from three central topics: writing, reading and saying (Bajard 2005), practices grounded on the contradiction between the instances of immediacy and that of language.


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How to Cite

Pacheco, D. A. . (2019). Pristine Scene: existential field of aesthetic investigation. Diacrítica, 33(1), 104–122.