The researcher-as-dramaturg: lingering in-between theory and practicer or how artistic strategies enrich academic research. A manifesto to switch gear.


  • Leonie Persyn



Researcher-as-dramaturg, Intimacy, Sound, Complexidence, Manifest, Listening


What does the notion of the dramaturg add to the position of the researcher? In this manifest I explore the position of the researcher-as-dramaturg as an opening up of methodology with strategies from different fields. I propose the researcher-as-dramaturga s a necessary re-evaluation of the process within the realm of academic research.


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How to Cite

Persyn, L. (2019). The researcher-as-dramaturg: lingering in-between theory and practicer or how artistic strategies enrich academic research. A manifesto to switch gear. Diacrítica, 33(1), 123–142.