Reverse transfer in clitic collocation a study on spanish and brazilian portuguese


  • Thamyres Ribeiro da Silva Ramos
  • Marina Rosa Ana Augusto



Clitic placement, Reverse transfer, Portuguese, Spanish


This study focuses on reverse transfer, that is, the influence of L2 on L1, in a dominance situation of L1. It investigates clitic collocation in verbal complexes in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Spanish. Spanish privileges proclisis to the auxiliary verb (pre-verbalposition/clitic climbing) orenclisis to the main verb (post-verbalposition). BP, in turn, lost clitic climbing in the XIX century. Although schooling tries to recover it, natural speech privileges proclisis to the main verb (medial position). Thus, in principle, it can be assumed that highly educated BP speakers may accept clitic climbing, regardless of any fluency in Spanish. On the other hand, full acceptance of clitic climbing may constitute a case of reverse transfer in the context of bilingual BP/high-proficiency Spanish speakers. In order to observe this situation, a self-paced reading experimental task with a Likert scale grammatical judgment was applied, manipulating the position of the clitic in Portuguese sentences with highly educated BP monolinguals and BP/high-proficiency Spanish bilinguals. The results show that both groups accept clitic climbing, but bilinguals accept it even more, and are faster in reading Portuguese sentences with clitic climbing, suggesting a possible Spanish facilitation in the Portuguese sentence processing.


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How to Cite

Ramos, T. R. da S., & Augusto, M. R. A. (2019). Reverse transfer in clitic collocation a study on spanish and brazilian portuguese. Diacrítica, 33(2), 141–155.