Implicit and explicit knowledge of nominal and verbal infletion in portuguese as second language. A study of chinese learners


  • Qunying Li
  • Cristina Maria Moreira Flores



Implicit knowledge, Explicit knowledge, L2 Acquisition, Nominal inflection, Verbal inflection, Chinese learners


The verbal and nominal inflection system is a resistant domain in the acquisition of Portuguese as a second language (PL2) by Chinese students. This research is aims at studying the implicit and explicit knowledge of nominal and verbal morphology of PL2 by Chinese learners. Two instruments of data collection, an elicited imitation task and a grammaticality judgment task, were applied to a group of 15 informants, followed by a background questionnaire. The results of the two tasks allow us to conclude that: i) the failures in producing correct verbal and nominal inflection are caused mainly by weak implicit knowledge; (i) in the case of nominal inflection, there is a tendency to replace the plural by the singular and to replace the feminine by the masculine; iii) in the case of verbal inflection, there is (ii) a tendency to replace the past perfect or imperfect tense of the indicative with the present indicative; (iii) a tendency to substitute the third person plural by the third person singular; (iv) there is an imbalance in terms of the level of development of the implicit knowledge of the different categories.


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How to Cite

Li, Q., & Flores, C. M. M. . (2019). Implicit and explicit knowledge of nominal and verbal infletion in portuguese as second language. A study of chinese learners. Diacrítica, 33(2), 252–277.