Derivational morphology in the acquisition of portuguese as a foreign language / second language


  • Rui Pereira



Lexicon, Morphology, Portuguese, Acquisition, Second language


Building on the grammatical features of derived words and on the ways they are processed mentally, we argue in favor of the explicit teaching of word-formation processes in Portuguese, as this promotes the enrichment of the learners’ lexicon and favours the recognition, interpretation and production of (new) words, which is very important considering that many morphologically complex words do not appear in dictionaries. Several studies have shown that improving learners’ morpholexical knowledge reduces the constant use of the dictionary and speeds up the processes of reading and producing speech (both oral and written). In the second part of the paper, we present the types of contents and didactic activities that can be used in the classroom to promote the development of learners’ derivational component.


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How to Cite

Pereira, R. . (2019). Derivational morphology in the acquisition of portuguese as a foreign language / second language. Diacrítica, 33(2), 278–298.