The Economic collection by Laemmert & CO. - Publishing strategies in the literary field in late nineteenth-century Brazil


  • Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina



Laemmert & Co. Publishers, Economic Collection, Literary Field, Foreign Novels, Booksellers and publishers


Literary collections bring together a range of books that reveal the cultural profile of readers as well as the commercial intentions of publishers. Our research, of which we present an aspect in this article, studies the Economic Collection of Laemmert & Co. that spread through Brazil between the years of 1895 and 1898 a series of foreign novels, mostly French, which had already been translated into Portuguese. Focusing on the materiality of the copies of this collection belonging to the National Library Foundation and related material found in the Brazilian Digital Library, we will reflect on this editorial investment of the traditional Laemmert bookstore that, in the last years of the nineteenth century, was aimed at reaching the Brazilian reader for whom foreign literature constituted a cultural patrimony, at the same time inserting him (or her) into an international lettered community.


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How to Cite

Catharina, P. P. G. F. (2020). The Economic collection by Laemmert & CO. - Publishing strategies in the literary field in late nineteenth-century Brazil. Diacrítica, 33(3), 84–102.



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