Reading literary texts in PFL class: Some assumptions and questions


  • Lola Geraldes Xavier



Literature, Reading, Portuguese as a Foreign Language


Since language is the primary means for approaching Other’s culture, its teaching must take into account learning contexts that foster cultural contact. There are several privileged vehicles for this contact. Literature is one of them, allowing to develop the expression of a personal response, the analysis and criticism of texts. The CEFRL Companion volume with new descriptors (Council of Europe 2018) points in this direction. The use of literary texts at initiation a foreign language (FL) study is not consensual. In this article we will consider the contributions of literature in teaching and learning contexts of Portuguese as a foreign language at University. In this sense, we will make a brief and general review of studies on the subject, exploring the added value of literature and teaching literature in FL class, from an intercultural perspective.


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How to Cite

Xavier, L. G. (2020). Reading literary texts in PFL class: Some assumptions and questions. Diacrítica, 33(3), 113–121.



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