Realization of durativity features in 'estar + gerund' periphrasis in Santiago de Chile’s Spanish and Madrid Spanish


  • Maria Mercedes Riveiro Quintans Sebold
  • Thaís da Silveira Neves Araújo



Aspect, Durativity, Estar gerund, Santiago de Child's Spanish, Madrid Spanish


In this article, we investigated the presence of the durativity feature in sentences with “estar+gerund” periphrasis in Santiago de Chile’s and Madrid’s Spanish. Our hypothesis is that, in order to form durative meanings in the researched varieties, the “estar+gerund” periphrasis is associated only with sentences constructed with (i) durative adverbial modifiers; (ii) subjects of collective, continuous, agentive and non-agentive type; and (iii) activity and accomplishment verbs. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed five interviews from the PRESEEA corpus of Santiago city and five interviews from the same corpus of Madrid city. The results showed similar sentential patterns in the researched varieties in order to form durative meanings with “estar+gerund” periphrasis. Thus, sentences with durative aspectual meanings were formed, preferably, by punctual adverbial modifiers; by agentive, individual and discontinuous subjects; and by activity verbs.


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How to Cite

Sebold, M. M. R. Q., & Araújo, T. da S. N. (2021). Realization of durativity features in ’estar + gerund’ periphrasis in Santiago de Chile’s Spanish and Madrid Spanish. Diacrítica, 35(1), 54–77.